It’s still frosty outside but the smell of spring is in the air! If you missed out on planting your spring bulbs in Autumn, then planting bulbs in the green may be for you. Give your spring garden a head start and see instant results by planting bulbs in the green.

Rather than buying packs of dried flower bulbs, bulbs in the green refers to an already sprouted bulb, corm or rhizome that can be directly planted into the desired spot in your garden which often flowers within 4-5 weeks after being planted into the ground.

Fast Flowering
There’s some magic in seeing your bulbs burst from the soil in the lead up to spring but the wait can often be tedious. When you choose to plant bulbs in the green, you can expect beautiful blooms to emerge four to five weeks after planting. That’s blooming quick!

Guarantee your plants success
There’s nothing more disheartening than waiting on a bulb that never blooms. Dried bulbs can ‘die off’ if they have been stored incorrectly, nibbled on by squirrels or rotted in the ground. You can increase the success rate of your spring bulbs by planting bulbs in the green and ensuring they are a healthy bulb before planting them out.

More accurately plant your bulbs and avoid any bare patches
We’ve all been there! Spending hours digging and planting your bulbs can be a tedious task for gardeners, even worse when your bulbs come into flower and you realise you’ve missed an entire patch of your beds or borders. Filling this space with already established bulbs in the green means you can ensure every corner of your beds and borders are filled with flowers.

Great for on the go
If you were too busy to plant your bulbs in Autumn or if you’ve recently moved house and missed out on the planting season, bulbs in the green are a great option as they provide almost instant results. Plus, if you’re a beginner gardener you may also benefit from planting bulbs in the green as you can experiment with different heights, spread and longevity of your spring bulbs.
Some bulbs do not have a great success rate when planted dry. Bluebells, snowdrops and aconites are known for transplanting better when they are in leaf – look out for these flowers when you shop for your bulbs in the green!